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Our Team

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Amelie Sargent

Administrative Director

An experienced client services representative, communications specialist, and executive administrator

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Dr. Dwayne Bond

Counseling & Leader Health

Dwayne has over twenty years of counseling experience, fifteen years as a professor in academia, nineteen years in the pastorate

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Elaine Webb


She has received training through the American Association of Christian Counselors, NavPress Training, Your Enneagram Coach and the Willow Creek Association


John Fooshee

President & Coach

As the founder of People Launching, John spends his time launching others! He has coached over 400 people into their personal calling and consulted over 200 organizations


Luke Thomas

Coach & Leader Health

Luke understands leadership sickness. Beyond his education in biochemistry, human physiology, coaching, and athletic performance, Luke deeply experienced it himself

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Nicole Cox

Intrapersonal Development Coach 

Nicole is passionate about partnering with those desiring to actualize the authentic versions of themselves in relationships both personal and professional. Utilizing her extensive understanding

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Greg Willson


Greg loves to help people discover their own unique calling and find ways to live it out. This has led him to various adventures, including moving from the US to live UK, where

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Jim Freeze


Jim is a West Point graduate and served in the Army, including two tours in Iraq. He has worked at a firm helping veterans find jobs after service, served in ministry leader at a local church, and co-founded a nonprofit social enterprise


We are a nonprofit that works with leaders from around the world. To read more about our mission, values, beliefs and vision, click here.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors oversees the mission, beliefs, vision, President and approves the budget. Here is a list of the members: ​

  • John Fooshee, President of People Launching

  • Elaine Webb, Office Manager/HR at Engineered Designs and Coach at People Launching

  • Jim Freeze, Former Nonprofit Founder and Executive, Leadership Coach (Houston, TX)

  • Luke Thomas, Lead Pastor of Legacy Church (Knoxville, TN)

  • Ford Jordan, Lead Pastor of Redeemer Anglican Church (Raleigh, NC)

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